Airfields Quarters
Hobsonville point
New homes

Flying high in 2020
Airfield Quarters are set to fly. Before long, nearly 140 beautifully designed and solidly constructed homes will rise from Hobsonville Point’s historic airfields. These will be followed by 400 or more homes in subsequent releases.
Airfields Quarters comprises standalone homes, duplexes, terraces and apartments, set in wide, leafy streets that lead directly to standout amenities like Catalina Bay and Onekiritea Park.
Here your life will take wings, in New Zealand’s most vibrant master-planned community.
It’s time to soar.
What’s near?Discover the quarters
Airfields Quarters take off, with the initial release of homes within Quarter One.
There will be further releases in Quarter One before Quarter Two & Quarter Three come to market, with a similar mix of standalone homes, terraces and apartments.
6 Homestar Rating
Your Airfields Quarters home will be as modern as tomorrow, with a Homestar rating that guarantees you a warmer, drier, healthier home that will cost less to run.
Assessing not only the building materials and quality of construction, Homestar also considers energy efficiency, health factors, and water waste management. Thermally efficient thanks to double glazing, quiet thanks to high levels of sound proofing, the result is the most comfortable home imaginable.